Our God Cares For Us

For May 10, 2020
Isn’t it amazing how God is not too big to care for each of us individually? He is omniscient, having all knowledge of every detail of our lives including the exact number of hairs on our heads as Jesus teaches us in Matthew 10:29-31 (NLT):

What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.

God sent His Son to care for us personally. Ultimately, He wants to establish a lasting fellowship with us so that our false assumptions and presuppositions can be resolved forever through a personal contact with the Living Christ. No other person in history receives the accolades our Lord Jesus Christ receives as our:

Advocate, Alpha and Omega, Bread of Life, Bridegroom, Christ, Deliverer, Faithful and True, Friend, Good Shepherd, Great God, Great Physician, High Priest, Immanuel, Intercessor, King of Glory, King of Kings, Lamb of God, Light of the World, Lion of Judah, Lord, Lover of Our Soul, Mighty God, Mediator, Messiah, Prince of Peace, Redeemer, Resurrection and Life, Righteous Judge, Rock and Fortress, Savior, True Prophet, The Truth, The Way, and The Word.

As we invite Jesus Christ into our lives by faith, we become a new spiritual person who can perform God’s will and secure His favor.

No longer spiritually dead, God’s Holy Spirit now lives inside us, and He transforms us into “new” creatures as 1 Corinthians 5:17 teaches. Thus, our old nature, which was spiritually dead is brought to life so that now we will always seek to follow Christ.

We may not experience any significant external changes. Yet we have a new, internal spiritual being that makes us acceptable before God as this author attests:

Regeneration involves the illumination of the understanding, the consecration of the affections, and the rectification of the will. To use Paul’s language, ‘Ye were once darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord,’ Ephesians v. 8.1

Our Lord is no respecter of persons, and He cares for us deeply. Access to Him and His kingdom is by spiritual, not material means. He desires to transform human hearts, and once He does, everything else we have becomes His forever. With a new heart comes a new standing before God, and this is our greatest reward.

What a Wonderful Savior!

  1. J. M. Pendleton, Christian Doctrines, 33rd printing, (Valley Forge: Judson, 1976) 59.