God’s Love For Us Today Is Majestic!

For June 7, 20201
Today, the word love has many meanings, although it names our emotional attraction toward someone or something. We can love our jobs, houses, cars, classical music, pizza, and that old pair of comfortable jeans.

The Greeks distinguished parental love (storge) from fraternal love (phileo) from the passion between lovers (eros). Yet, Jesus establishes a new form of love (agape) when He commands,

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another (John 13:34-35, NKJV).

With His new commandment, the Lord gives His followers permission to love unselfishly and fervently, yet to the same degree that He loves us.

Through our consistent demonstration of His new unselfish love, those whom we encounter will notice the distinction and recognize that we belong to the Lord. His is the highest form of selfless, pure love, completely free from sin, which can only find its source in God.

In our strength alone, we are incapable of expressing such altruistic love, because we always want to know, “What’s in it for us?” before we respond. Although difficult, we can express this love as we yield to His Spirit, who instinctively responds to others through us in the ways that serve their best interests.

God is love, and He continues to express it in magnificent ways, just as He has from the beginning.

When there was nothing, He created the earth and all that is in it to make a perfect habitation for His imperfect humans. Even after we fell and sin contaminated this world, He extended mercy to Adam and Eve by promising the Redeemer who would restore our lost fellowship forever.

God’s love foretold of one who would sit on David’s throne and rule God’s people with justice and mercy. He would also express God’s love completely by nullifying the curse and dominion of sin and by redeeming sin-cursed humanity in righteousness forever.

Jesus loves us so much that He was willing to be stripped of His clothes and affixed to a wooden cross with metal spikes driven through His hands and feet. Instead of commanding legions of angels to come to His rescue, Jesus gave His life to pay the price for our sins.

Three days later, Jesus’ love moved Him to rise from the dead and later caused Him to ascend into Heaven to the right hand of God, where He intercedes for us. His love prompted Him to send the Holy Spirit to give us comfort and companionship while we await His glorious return.

Then we shall know His vast love and glory in full measure for all eternity. Hallelujah!

God’s love desires to provide what is best for us. With His unselfish love, our Lord came to earth and took on the form of a man to redeem even those who refuse to believe in Him. No longer are we without any hope for redemption. God’s love can lift us from the depths of despair to the summit of grace forever. Won’t you accept His majestic love today?

What a Wonderful Savior!


  1. Excerpts from, The Christian Heritage: God’s Answers for a Searching World, rev. ed., ©2017, 119-123.